FFA Members and Families: Mark your calendar for the Annual FFA Banquet, Sunday, May 5 beginning at 6:00 PM.
almost 6 years ago, DeAnn Malan
FFA Banquet
The Tomahawk Track Meet for 5th and 6th grade, scheduled for tomorrow, has been postponed. The new date for the meet will be Monday, May 20.
almost 6 years ago, Santa Fe Elementary
Red Wheel Fundraising will be ready for pickup tomorrow (Wed. May 1) at 2:00 PM contact the high school if you have any questions.
almost 6 years ago, Santa Fe High School
SF Baseball scheduled for tomorrow vs. Bosworth has been cancelled. Game will not be made up.
almost 6 years ago, Santa Fe High School
District softball game has been MOVED TO KINGSVILLE - Santa Fe vs. Kingsville at 6:00 PM
almost 6 years ago, Santa Fe High School
Ronald McDonald Pop-Tab Challenge ends tomorrow. Turn in all tabs no later than 3:30 on Tuesday, April 30, to either elementary school or high school. Thank you for supporting The Ronald McDonald House!
almost 6 years ago, Santa Fe High School
Santa Fe Relays today in Higginsville - field events begin at 4:00; running events begin at 4:30. Good Luck Chiefs!
almost 6 years ago, Santa Fe High School
JH/HS Conference Track tomorrow at Sweet Springs beginning at 9:00 a.m.
almost 6 years ago, Santa Fe High School
Lady Chiefs defeat Concordia in third place game in the I-70 softball tournament. Great job, Lady Chiefs!
almost 6 years ago, Santa Fe R-X
We are excited to announce that the Alma weather station is now up and running! You can access real time weather information by visiting http://agebb.missouri.edu/weather/stations/ and selecting 'Alma' in the drop down menu.
almost 6 years ago, Santa Fe High School
Santa Fe Horticulture Department - Annual Plant Sale
almost 6 years ago, Santa Fe High School
Santa Fe Horticulture Department
I-70 Conf. BB/SB Tournament today: BB vs. St. Paul at 3:00; SB vs. Wellington at 4:00 (note time change) all played in Concordia.
almost 6 years ago, Santa Fe High School
Junior High, don't forget to sell your "Red Wheel". All orders and money must be turned in on Wednesday (4/24).
almost 6 years ago, DeAnn Malan
I-70 Conf SB/BB Tournament this week in Concordia. SF BB today vs. Lone Jack beginning at 5:00 on KMMO.com & 1300 AM; SF SB vs. Crest Ridge at 4:30. GO CHIEFS.
almost 6 years ago, Santa Fe High School
No School Friday, April 18, 19 & 22. Happy Easter!
almost 6 years ago, Santa Fe Elementary
Easter Chick
Lady Chiefs defeat Lone Jack 11-1 at home.
almost 6 years ago, Santa Fe R-X
Lady Chiefs vs. Lady Mules
JV/V Softball/Baseball today in Alma vs. Lone Jack beginning at 4:30
almost 6 years ago, Santa Fe High School
SF Softball Triangular tonight in Alma. SF vs. Bunceton at 4:30; SF vs. Green Ridge at 7:30
almost 6 years ago, DeAnn Malan
Santa Fe R-X School Board
almost 6 years ago, Santa Fe High School
Santa Fe R-X School Board
JV/V SB & Varsity only BB today at Concordia beginning at 4:30
almost 6 years ago, Santa Fe High School