Easter egg hunt, sponsored by FFA and NHS!
Mrs. Sander’s Foods II class prepared homemade pretzels. In the pictures you’ll see the shaped pretzels before boiling and baking, and then again after. Students pictured: Dash Wilsie, Grace Buford, and Natalie Young.
Pictured is Aly Dankenbring helping at the Shepherd’s Food Pantry in Waverly on Saturday, February 17 with the Santa Fe FFA chapter. The FFA chapter helps every third Saturday of the month. FFA members help those in attendance to gather needed items and also assist in getting the items into their vehicles. This is a great community service activity!
FFA members enjoyed a Mavericks hockey game at the Cable Dahmer Arena on Saturday February 24.
The JH/HS Spring Concert date has been moved to Tuesday, May 7th at 6 pm in the Old Gym.
Reminder that track practice begins at 6:30am in the morning. It's not too late to start tomorrow!
FFA week would not be the same without the Ice Cream Social! Members enjoyed homemade ice cream during their lunch shifts on Wednesday February 21. Six gallons of ice cream was made in the agriculture shop that morning to enjoy! More toppings than we have room to name were also available for members to add to their ice cream!
Drive your truck or tractor to school on Wednesday, February 21 was a huge success! We had lots of winners for both the truck and tractor category!
FFA members that sold $375 worth of fruit and meat during the fall fundraiser were invited to the fruit sale BBQ on February 20th in the agriculture room. This was held to reward members for their hard work in helping the chapter raise funds for leadership conventions and conferences members attend throughout the year.
Santa Fe Elementary PTO will meet Tuesday, February 27 at 5:30 pm in the Elementary Library.
Pictured is Avy Grado, Kaylee Drunert, and Valerie Grado at the KMMO radio station on Tuesday February 20th for the FFA week edition KMMO TAKE OVER. These girls were at the radio station from 7am-9am and got to be broadcasters!
District Championship tonight, Lady Chiefs vs. Northwest Hughesville @ 6pm at Concordia High School. Let's go Lady Chiefs!
Breakfast at 7 Days Diner in Concordia this morning for FFA Week! Members enjoyed a great breakfast and good company!
Pictured is the winning team of the FFA week scavenger hunt on Monday February 19. Team name was Alvin and the Chipmunks. They had to decode riddles and find various landmarks around town and then take selfies, find out information, or perform silly tasks. They were the first team back with the video and won free lunch that day!
Kindness Week came to an end last Friday. There were several acts of kindness that could be seen throughout the week. Each class was given a “Kindness Challenge” for the week. Their challenge included complimenting the person they sit by, playing with someone new at recess, saying “Hi” to someone they don’t usually talk to, asking someone, “How are you doing today?” and many more kind gestures.
At the beginning of the week. Students took a pledge to be the “I” in Kind.
“I pledge to myself, on this very day, to try to be kind, in every way. To every person, big or small, I will help them, if they fall. When I love myself, and others, too, that is the best that I can do.”
On Thursday, the students completed the Kindness Counts Balloon Challenge. Balloons with all of the students' names were blown up. The balloons were then mixed together in the hallway. The students were given 3 minutes to find their own balloon. Despite a hectic search, not everyone found their balloon. At that point, Mrs. Kuntz told the students to take the first balloon that they found and hand it to the person whose name was written on it. Within 3 minutes, everyone had their own balloon. Students were told: "These balloons are like happiness. We will never find it if everyone is looking for their own. But if we care about other people's happiness, we'll find ours too."
Friday, students Colored the World With Kindness. High school students came to the elementary for their Day of Service. High schoolers helped around the building by aiding teachers with instruction, reading to students, helping to clean up various areas in the elementary, and tending to many of the needs of the staff and students throughout the day.
Although Kindness Week is over, remember to BE THE RAINBOW IN SOMEONE ELSE’S CLOUD!
Round 2 of Districts-Lady Chiefs vs Archie tonight @ 7pm at Concordia.
Girls advance to the next round of Districts!
First Round of Districts (boys) Santa Fe vs Northwest Hughesville tonight @ Smithton 6:00pm.
First Round of Districts (girls) Santa Fe vs Crest Ridge tonight @ Concordia 7:30pm.
Reminder: We will have a Spring Sports parent meeting tonight @ 6pm. This will include anyone participating in High School baseball, softball or track AND 6th-8th graders participating in track. This meeting will happen in the new gym.