5th & 6th Grade Basketball tonight at Santa Fe Elementary vs. Immanuel at 6:00 pm. Masks are required
SF Basketball vs. Orrick that was scheduled for this evening has been postponed until January 19th.
BLOOD DRIVE: This Thursday, January 14 at Santa Fe High School from 3:00 - 6:30 PM. Register online at: https://donate.savealifenow.org/donor/schedules/drive_schedule/71239
Chiefs in action against Concordia in a losing effort. Final score 57-24
Lady Chiefs defeat the Huskers of Higginsville 48-26 in the 5th place game of the Lafayette County Trny.
Better version of that link - https://m.facebook.com/CHS.Orioles/
If you can't make it tonight, the Lady Chiefs and Chiefs basketball games will be live streamed on Concordia's Facebook page - https://www.concordia.k12.mo.us/
Mark Your Calendar: Santa Fe Courtwarming January 22, 2021. VG/VB Basketball vs. St. Paul; Freshman Dinner (see attached), Crowning of your Courtwarming Queen and King.
Lafayette County Tournament: SF Lady Chiefs vs. Higginsville tonight at 5:30; SF Chiefs vs. Concordia beginning at 7:30. Masks are required. Games to be played at Concordia High School. Broadcast on 102.9 FM and kmmo.com. Good Luck Lady Chiefs & Chiefs!!!!
Lafayette County Tournament - SF Boys vs. Lexington tonight at St. Paul's HS beginning at 5:30. Masks are required. Good Luck Chiefs!!!
Lafayette County BB Tournament: SF vs. Knob Noster 5:30 tonight at St. Paul's HS. Masks are required! Good Luck Lady Chiefs!
Lafayette County Tournament: SF Boys vs. Knob Noster 7:30 tonight at St. Paul's HS. Masks are required. Broadcast on KMMO 102.9 FM and on kmmo.com. Good Luck Chiefs!!
SF Girls BB tonight will be broadcast on KMMO - 102.9 FM or on kmmo.com. Good Luck Lady Chiefs!
SF V/G BB tonight vs. Tipton beginning at 5:30 at St. Paul's HS. Masks are required. Good Luck Lady Chiefs!!!!!
EARLY DISMISSAL TODAY AT SANTA FE 12:15 at the elementary and 12:30 at the high school. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!
PTO Little Caesar's Pizza Orders must be picked up today between 3:00 and 5:00 pm at the north door of the elementary building.
Santa Fe R-X Superintendent Mr. Derek Lark has released COVID-19 update #17 which may be found on the district website: www.santafechiefs.k12.mo.us
SF BB vs. Carrollton tonight in Alma. 2 qtr. each JVG/JVB beginning at 4:45. VG/VB to follow, 6:00 PM which will be broadcast on KMMO 102.9 FM & kmmo.com and live streamed on SF Facebook page. Masks required. Good Luck Chiefs!!
SF BB tonight vs. Hale - in Alma - 2 qtr JV Boys followed by VG/VB beginning at 5:00 PM (please note time change). Masks are required. Good Luck Chiefs!
High School Christmas Concert TONIGHT 7:00 pm in the old gym.