Kindness Week came to an end last Friday. There were several acts of kindness that could be seen throughout the week. Each class was given a “Kindness Challenge” for the week. Their challenge included complimenting the person they sit by, playing with someone new at recess, saying “Hi” to someone they don’t usually talk to, asking someone, “How are you doing today?” and many more kind gestures.
At the beginning of the week. Students took a pledge to be the “I” in Kind.
“I pledge to myself, on this very day, to try to be kind, in every way. To every person, big or small, I will help them, if they fall. When I love myself, and others, too, that is the best that I can do.”
On Thursday, the students completed the Kindness Counts Balloon Challenge. Balloons with all of the students' names were blown up. The balloons were then mixed together in the hallway. The students were given 3 minutes to find their own balloon. Despite a hectic search, not everyone found their balloon. At that point, Mrs. Kuntz told the students to take the first balloon that they found and hand it to the person whose name was written on it. Within 3 minutes, everyone had their own balloon. Students were told: "These balloons are like happiness. We will never find it if everyone is looking for their own. But if we care about other people's happiness, we'll find ours too."
Friday, students Colored the World With Kindness. High school students came to the elementary for their Day of Service. High schoolers helped around the building by aiding teachers with instruction, reading to students, helping to clean up various areas in the elementary, and tending to many of the needs of the staff and students throughout the day.
Although Kindness Week is over, remember to BE THE RAINBOW IN SOMEONE ELSE’S CLOUD!

Kindness Week
February 21, 2024