Santa Fe AgriLeaders: Reminder, no Monday night meeting tonight. The next meeting will be Monday, January 31 at 7pm with Darrin Lilleman talking about Rural Crime.
almost 3 years ago, Santa Fe High School
Slater BB Tournament tonight at Slater HS: SF Lady Chiefs vs. Jamestown at 4:30 PM - broadcast on KMMO 1300 AM; SF Chiefs vs. Slater at 6:00 PM -broadcast on KMMO 102.9 FM; Games will be livestreamed on Good Luck SF Lady Chiefs & Chiefs!
almost 3 years ago, Santa Fe High School
Santa Fe AgriLeaders: there will be NO Monday night meeting next week (1/24/22). Join us at the Mo Ag Stewardship Conference on Thursday, January 27! Register at the door or online
almost 3 years ago, Santa Fe High School
Only ONE WEEK remains until the Santa Fe AgriLeaders Mo Ag Stewardship Conference! Check out the full schedule, speaker line up and registration information online at Doors open at 8am at Concordia Community Center, lunch included and CCA credits available.
almost 3 years ago, Santa Fe High School
Make plans to attend the SF AgriLeaders second meeting in the winter meeting series - Supply Chain Issues with Chris Demoss. Santa Fe High School Ag Classroom tonight at 7:00 PM.
about 3 years ago, Santa Fe High School
Carrollton Vo-Tech is cancelled for today.
about 3 years ago, Santa Fe Elementary
Courtwarming Tonight: Join us for a fun filled evening, JV/V BB vs. Sweet Springs beginning at 4:00 PM - 2 qtr. JVG/JVB followed by full VG/VB games. Freshman Dinner will be served from 5:00 - 7:00 PM. Auctioning of the 2021 Girls 3rd Place State VB, 2021 Girls Quarterfinal Basketball and a boys basketball will take place between VG/VB. Coronation of the 2022 Courtwarming Queen & King, JH Prince & Princess during half-time of the VB Dance immediately following games for all 7-12 grade students until approximately 11:00 PM. Good Luck Chiefs!!!!
about 3 years ago, Santa Fe High School
Last call for Early Bird registration! Register by noon at before price increases to $40 when you register either online or at the door for the Mo Ag Stewardship Conference to be held on January 27, at 8am.
about 3 years ago, Santa Fe High School
TOMORROW is the deadline for Early Bird discount for the Santa Fe AgriLeaders Mo Ag Stewardship Conference. Register on the website by noon tomorrow for only $30.
about 3 years ago, Santa Fe High School
Santa Fe High School Community Blood Drive, Thursday, January 13 from 3:00 - 6:30 at the High School. Masks are required for all donors regardless of vaccination status. For more information contact Mr. Hayes at:
about 3 years ago, Santa Fe High School
SF Blood Drive
Join the SF AgriLeaders tonight for the very first winter meeting inside the Ag classroom at SFHS 7pm. Taylor Moreland with Agri Spray Drones will have drones on display and show demonstrations on how they're used in Ag. Look forward to seeing you tonight!!
about 3 years ago, Santa Fe High School
Don't miss out - order your 2021-2022 yearbook today! For more information check out the following link:
about 3 years ago, Santa Fe High School
MRVC/I-70 Crossfire Basketball Tournament today in Knob Noster! SF Lady Chiefs vs. St. Paul beginning at 11:00 AM. Good Luck Lady Chiefs! Games will be broadcast on KMMO 1300 AM and live streamed at:
about 3 years ago, Santa Fe High School
MRVC/I-70 Crossfire Basketball Tournament tonight in Knob Noster. SF Chiefs vs. Wellington beginning at 9:00 PM. Good Luck Chiefs!!! Games will be broadcast on KMMO 102.9 FM and live streamed at:
about 3 years ago, Santa Fe High School
Santa Fe Courtwarming Spirit Days for Elementary and High School students & staff are as follows: Monday - Put a lid on the Greyhounds - wear your favorite hat or headgear, Tuesday: Jersey Day - wear your favorite sports jersey or t-shirt, Wednesday: Country vs. Country Club (go country or go dressy), Thursday: PJ Day, Friday: Traditional Red/Black Day - Seniors, Freshman, Grades 2, 4 & 6 - Wear Black; Juniors, 8th Grade,Grade 1 & Preschool - Wear Red; Sophomores, 7th Grade, Kindergarten, Grades 3 & 5 Wear White
about 3 years ago, Santa Fe Elementary
Courtwarming is next Friday, January 14. Games begin at 4:00 pm Freshman Dinner 5:00-7:00 pm – Soup & Sliders, Auction takes place between Varsity girls’ and boys’ games, King & Queen/JH Prince & Princess Coronation at Varsity Boys’ halftime, Dance immediately following games until 11:00 pm – casual attire/SF gear.
about 3 years ago, Santa Fe Elementary
MRVC/I-70 Crossfire Basketball Tournament tonight at Knob Noster. SF Chiefs vs. St. Paul beginning at 9:00 PM Good Luck Chiefs!!! Game will be live streamed at:
about 3 years ago, Santa Fe High School
MRVC/I-70 Crossfire Basketball Tournament in Knob Noster! SF Lady Chiefs vs. Tipton beginning at 6:00 PM Good Luck Lady Chiefs! Games will be livestreamed at:
about 3 years ago, Santa Fe High School
Santa Fe R-X: MRVC/I-70 Crossfire Basketball Tournament tonight at Knob Noster. SF Chiefs vs. Higginsville beginning at 4:30 PM Good Luck Chiefs!!! Game will be live streamed at:
about 3 years ago, Santa Fe High School
MRVC/I-70 Crossfire Basketball Tournament tonight at Knob Noster. SF Lady Chiefs vs. Knob Noster beginning at 6:00 PM Good Luck Lady Chiefs!!! Game will be live streamed at:
about 3 years ago, Santa Fe High School