HS Track today at Lexington beginning at 4:00 PM. I-70 Conf. Tournament: Lady Chiefs SB today in Concordia vs. Lone Jack beginning at 4:00 PM. Good Luck to our Softball and Track teams!!!
over 3 years ago, Santa Fe High School
FFA Banquet is this Sunday, May 2 beginning at 6:00 PM. Please enter through the HS Commons, banquet will be in the new gym.
over 3 years ago, Santa Fe High School
Due to power outage at the high school phone lines are down! We will be dismissing at regular time! 3:15 elementary and 3:30 HS
over 3 years ago, Santa Fe High School
JH Track today in Higginsville beginning at 4:00 PM. Good Luck JH Chiefs!!!
over 3 years ago, Santa Fe High School
I-70 SB/BB Conference Tournament today in Concordia: SF Chiefs BB vs. Crest Ridge beginning at 3:00; SF Lady Chiefs SB vs. Lone Jack at 6:00. Good Luck Santa Fe!
over 3 years ago, Santa Fe High School
I-70 SB/BB Conference Tournament today: SF Lady Chiefs vs. Orrick at 6:00; SF Chiefs vs. Sweet Springs beginning at 7:00! All games played in Concordia. Good Luck to our Chiefs!
over 3 years ago, Santa Fe High School
I-70 Conference Tournament in Concordia today SF BB vs. St. Paul 5:00 PM; SF SB vs. Sweet Springs beginning at 6:00 PM. Good Luck Chiefs & Lady Chiefs!!
over 3 years ago, Santa Fe High School
SF - JH Track meet for today has been cancelled due to weather!!!
over 3 years ago, Santa Fe High School
SF SB/BB today vs. Lone Jack in Alma beginning at 4:30. HS Track in the Hardin-Central meet to be ran at Richmond High School today at 4:00. Good Luck Chiefs!!!
almost 4 years ago, Santa Fe High School
SF SB vs Kingsville for today has been cancelled, will not be rescheduled. JH Track meet scheduled for today has been tentatively rescheduled for April 30th.
almost 4 years ago, Santa Fe High School
Santa Fe SB/BB at Archie today beginning at 4:30. Go Chiefs!!!
almost 4 years ago, Santa Fe High School
Sophomore BBQ today at the high school serving from 11:00 - 1:00. Cost is only $6.00 for adults and $4.00 for children! Take outs are available! See you soon!!!
almost 4 years ago, Santa Fe High School
Mark your calendar: Santa Fe FFA Banquet is scheduled for May 2, 2021 at 6:00 PM in the High School New Gym. For more information please visit our website www.santafechiefs.k12.mo.us
almost 4 years ago, Santa Fe High School
JH Track today at Higginsville has been postponed. It will be rescheduled for April 28 beginning at 4:00 PM.
almost 4 years ago, Santa Fe High School
JH Parents: If your student sold items from Red Wheel they will be ready to pick up at the high school tomorrow after 2:00 PM. If you have any questions please call the high school office.
almost 4 years ago, Santa Fe High School
JV/V SB & BB today at Sweet Springs beginning at 4:30. Good Luck Lady Chiefs & Chiefs!!!
almost 4 years ago, Santa Fe High School
Mark your calendar: SF Baseball vs. Concordia at Kauffman Stadium has been rescheduled for Wednesday, May 12th at 1:00 PM (rain date will be Thursday, May 13th at 1:00 PM) More information closer to game day!
almost 4 years ago, Santa Fe High School
SF HS Track at Wellington Invitational today to be ran at Odessa High School. 4:00 PM. Good Luck Chiefs!
almost 4 years ago, Santa Fe High School
SF V Softball today vs. St. Paul in Alma beginning at 4:30. Good Luck Lady Chiefs!
almost 4 years ago, Santa Fe High School
SF students taking the ACT tomorrow (4/13) be at school NO LATER than 8:00 AM. If you have any questions, please contact the HS Office.
almost 4 years ago, DeAnn Malan