7th grade PE mastering front squats in Coach Capps class.
over 5 years ago, Santa Fe High School
7th PE
FFA Fruit Sale packets were handed out today. All orders and money are due September 18. If you would like to place an order or If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Schreiman at the high school.
over 5 years ago, Santa Fe High School
Mrs. Leabo's English planning good discussion methods, to solve a murder mystery.
over 5 years ago, Santa Fe High School
English 1
English 1
English 1
Senior & Sophomore Parents: Jostens will be at the HS Tues., Sept. 3 from 7:45-8:15 AM to take orders for Senior graduation items as well as Sophomore class rings. A $80 down payment will be required, contact the HS if you have any questions.
over 5 years ago, Santa Fe High School
Sophomore Class Rings
World History class working with their timeline with Mr. Hobbs.
over 5 years ago, Santa Fe High School
World History
World History
Freshman Orientation tonight at 6:00 PM in the library. Senior Orientation tonight at 7:30 PM in the library. Orientations are for students and parents. See you tonight!!
over 5 years ago, Santa Fe High School
More pictures from our first day of the 2019-2020 school year!! GO CHIEFS!!!!
over 5 years ago, Santa Fe High School
Opening Ceremony 19-20
The "Old Gym"
Mrs. Hobbs & Bella
Old Gym Stage
Welcome Back!!!! It is awesome to have our students back in the building and ready for what will be an amazing 2019-2020 school year!
over 5 years ago, Santa Fe High School
SF Chief Sign
Santa Fe R-X students school starts tomorrow (8/26). Elementary classes begin at 8:00 AM, High School classes at 8:15 AM. HS Students driving please park in the student parking lot in front of the school. WELCOME BACK!!!
over 5 years ago, Santa Fe High School
Surplus for Sale. We need the following items gone as soon as possible. We have an 8' library table, (3) 4x4 library tables, wooden shelves & a heavy science table. Message us through our FB page "Santa Fe R-X School District" to make arrangements for pick-up.
over 5 years ago, Santa Fe High School
8' Library Table
Heavy Science Table
Wooden Shelves
4x4 tables (we have 3)
Additional surplus for sale: 13 school desk/chair sets.
over 5 years ago, Santa Fe High School
13 desk chair combo
Surplus for Sale. We need the attached pictures gone as soon as possible. Message us through our FB page "Santa Fe R-X School District" to make arrangements for pick-up. Preferably this weekend!
over 5 years ago, Santa Fe High School
8' Library Table
Heavy Science Table
3 tables 4x4
Wooden Shelves
Santa Fe Varsity Football Jamboree tonight at St. Paul HS beginning at 6:30! Go Chiefs!!!
over 5 years ago, Santa Fe High School
JH Volleyball Parent/Student meeting this Sunday, August 18 at 3:30 p.m. Park in front of the school, enter through weight room doors.
over 5 years ago, Santa Fe High School
New Santa Fe Chief sign at the high school.
over 5 years ago, Santa Fe High School
SF Chief Sign
SF Chief Sign
Freshman & Senior Parent meetings originally scheduled for this Thursday evening has been rescheduled. Meetings will now be on Tues. Aug. 27 Freshman & parents beginning at 6:00; Seniors & parents beginning at 7:30 in the HS FACS room. Call HS with questions.
over 5 years ago, Santa Fe High School
HS Registration tomorrow & Wed. August 13 & 14 from noon - 6:00 p.m. New Students on Thursday (8/15) from 9 - 11 a.m. and 1 - 3 p.m.; Friday 9-11 a.m. Park in front of school, enter through commons doors. You will not be allowed down the halls. If you have questions call the HS.
over 5 years ago, Santa Fe High School
SF HS Football parent meeting Sunday evening Aug. 18 6:00 PM HS New Gym. Park in front of school walk on north side of building and enter through weight room doors! See you Sunday!
over 5 years ago, Santa Fe High School
SF Chief Apparel "re-order" are due by August 19th.
over 5 years ago, DeAnn Malan
SF Chiefs
SF Apparel available for re-order at registration. All orders will be due on August 19th. If you have any questions, please call Missy (493-2811) or DeAnn 674-2236. Previous orders will be available for pick up at registration. Go Chiefs!!!
over 5 years ago, Santa Fe High School