Supervised Agricultural Experience: Lane’s SAE is owning his own small engine repair business, lawn service business along with working for farmers during the summer. He also does miscellaneous farm work seasonally.

Santa Fe R-X School Board

Hunter and Robyn have completed their 8th grade woodworking projects!

Fundamental Foods learning more about grilling and broiling.

Mrs. Sander's Fundamental Foods class practiced their grilling skills.

JH Track today SF Relays at Sweet Springs. Field events beginning at 4:00, running events begin at 4:45 JV/V SB/BB today in Alma vs. Crest Ridge (JV to follow Varsity)

Santa Fe's 2019 Prom, Once Upon the Midnight Lights will be open for public viewing on Saturday, April 6 from 5-6:55 PM. Walk in will take place in the NEW GYM from 6-6:55 PM.

Santa Fe National Honor Society and Santa Fe FFA will be hosting an Easter Egg Hunt on April 20, in the Alma City Park.

Dear Santa Fe Chiefs' Community,
Santa Fe R-X School District is thrilled to announce our new website and well as an app for mobile phones! Stay up-to-date with access to real-time sports scores, the daily cafeteria menu, news from administrators, student stories, and even emergency notifications.

Welcome to Santa Fe High School!

The Santa Fe community would like to thank and recognize the Santa Fe R-X Board of Education for all of their selfless time and effort given in support of our wonderful schools and community.