Hope everyone has had a great summer! School begins TUESDAY, August 20th. Can't wait to see everyone!
4 months ago, Missy Hinz
Reminder- Sports Physicals for grades 5th-12th are tomorrow at SFHS. The Commons doors open at 8am. Please be here no later than 11:30am to guarantee an appointment.
5 months ago, Paula Brown
5th-12th grade Sports Physicals will be August 6th from 8am-12pm at SFHS-new gym. Forms can be found on our webpage.
5 months ago, Paula Brown
That's a wrap for the Lady Chiefs 4-8th grade volleyball camp! Keep working hard and learning the game of volleyball. Thanks to the coaches and high school players for running camp!
5 months ago, Paula Brown
Preschool and Kindergarten Activity Night on August 8th, 6-7 PM. RSVP to vknipmeyer@santafechiefs.k12.mo.us
5 months ago, Santa Fe Elementary
Twas the Night
Preschool and Kindergarten Activity Night on August 8th, 6-7 PM. RSVP to vknipmeyer@santafechiefs.k12.mo.us
5 months ago, Jeff Kuntz
Night Before School Announcement
Day 1 of our Santa Fe Elementary and JH Volleyball Camp!
5 months ago, Paula Brown
Youth football kids that came to camp. Your shirts are in and you can pick them up from Coach Meyer today and tomorrow from 12:30pm to 5pm at the North side of the new gym. Thank you.
5 months ago, Paula Brown
Elementary and junior high volleyball camp is Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday 9:00-10:30. Please enter and exit through the new gym/weight room doors.
5 months ago, Paula Brown
Hunter Safety Course from 8-11am. Must be 11 years old. Thank you, Mrs. Schreiman for offering this opportunity!
6 months ago, Paula Brown
hunter safety
Santa Fe Youth (3rd-6th) football camp tomorrow 8:30am to 10am. Please bring your cleats.
6 months ago, Paula Brown
Santa Fe Youth Football Camp for 3rd- 6th grade. $15 2 day camp July 9 & 11 Sign up here: https://forms.gle/hgXURn2Fy3SXfWd89 (https://forms.gle/hgXURn2Fy3SXfWd89)
6 months ago, Paula Brown
fb camp
The deadline has been extended for anyone still interested in signing up for volleyball camp! Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uO-M-6BLT3FBV0xWCmu18ohuxfFfSX2EBopl9i-ArIA/edit?usp=sharing
6 months ago, Paula Brown
If you signed up: Youth boys basketball camp begins tomorrow! Incoming grades 1st-3rd 9:00-10:15AM Old Gym, grades 4th-6th 10:45AM-Noon New Gym, grades 7th-8th 1:00 PM-3:00 PM New Gym. Please wear athletic clothing and tennis or basketball shoes and enter through the commons door.
6 months ago, Paula Brown
Football fish fry today from 11am-2pm! Silent auction and to go meals! Come enjoy some good food and support our SF Chiefs!
7 months ago, Paula Brown
PAT Event - June 22!
7 months ago, Santa Fe Elementary
7 months ago, Paula Brown
Football fish fry is this Sunday (June 2nd) 11am-2pm. $12 Adults & $6 Kids. There will also be a silent auction.
7 months ago, Paula Brown
Youth Basketball Camp! Click the link below for more info and to register. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScCc1kw36tYODDfJb_dnHW7vf1VQkQbuUMlM0fCXeQKADjEcw/viewform?usp=sf_link
7 months ago, Paula Brown