Bug collecting- Pictured is Lily McGinnis, Joscie Curry, Cole Hostetter and Sophie Frazier collecting insects for their bug collections in Agriculture Science II class within the agriculture department on August 28. Students will identify their bugs and also list their order, mouth parts, and other characteristics before turning their completed box in.
FFA members working on the Apple Jubilee Float for upcoming parade.
Update: JH Volleyball tonight in Lone Jack at 5:00 PM. Note time is at 5:00 PM. Sorry for the confusion.
Correction: JH VB today at Lone Jack beginning at 5:30. Please note time change.
JH VB today at Lone Jack 5:00 PM. Tickets are required, your daughter will have tickets with her at the game.
JH FB today vs. Chillhowee 5:00 PM in Alma, there will not be concessions!!
Good Luck to our JH teams! GO CHIEFS!!!
Santa Fe JV Volleyball Tournament tomorrow, 9/12/20 in Alma. Attached is a bracket! Good Luck Lady Chiefs!
There will be no football tonight at Santa Fe.
Unfortunately, we were contacted by Rich Hill Thursday at 4:00 informing us that they would not be able to play tonight due to possible COVID on their team. We have been actively searching for a replacement team for this evening; a final decision will be made by noon. For clarity, there are no active cases of COVID on the SF team.
JH VB @ Bueker Middle School tonight beginning at 5:00 PM "A" team followed by "B" team. Mask are mandatory and you must have a ticket to enter. Good Luck Lady Chiefs!
JV/V VB tonight at Northwest of Hughesville beginning at 5:00 PM. Masks are required. If traveling you may want to take I-70 to the Houstonia exit as the bridge is closed. GOOD LUCK LADY CHIEFS!!!
Reminder pictures for high school students are tomorrow. Reference your email from last week for ordering information!
SF Football scheduled for this Friday, September 4, 2020 has been cancelled.
JV/V VB tonight vs. Lawson at 5:00 PM in Alma. Masks are recommended but not required. There will be seats sectioned off to help with social distancing. If you are unable to attend, you may watch the games live on our Facebook page: Santa Fe R-X School District
Join us on September 3, 2020 for Santa Fe Agri-Leaders Field Day.
SF V Football Jamboree tonight beginning at 6:30 in Alma. Admission is $2.00 per person (Booster Club passes will not be honored this evening). Patrons 65 years old or older will be free. There will be a designated area in the stands for social distancing and mask requirements or you may bring a lawn chair for distancing purposes. Go Chiefs!!
Textbooks: If your student(s) still have textbooks checked out from last year, please contact the HS ASAP or email DeAnn dmalan@santafechiefs.k12.mo.us Thank you!
FFA Pool Party tonight from 7-9 PM, Waverly Pool. All current and incoming FFA members and families are welcome to attend. If you did not fill out a form at registration you must have one completed in order to attend. Contact Mrs. Schreiman if you have any questions.
SF AgriLeader Field Day has been postponed until September 3 at 6:00 PM.
FFA Pool Party this Sunday from 7-9 PM, Waverly Pool. All current and incoming FFA members and families are welcome to attend. If you did not fill out a form at registration you must have one completed in order to attend. Contact Mrs. Schreiman if you have any questions.
Registration today from 2:00 - 7:00 PM High School commons and tomorrow from noon - 6:00 PM. New students Thursday from 9:00 - 11:00 AM and 1:00 - 3:00 PM; Friday from 9:00 - 11:00 AM.