FFA Pool Party this Sunday from 7-9 PM, Waverly Pool. All current and incoming FFA members and families are welcome to attend. If you did not fill out a form at registration you must have one completed in order to attend. Contact Mrs. Schreiman if you have any questions.
Registration today from 2:00 - 7:00 PM High School commons and tomorrow from noon - 6:00 PM. New students Thursday from 9:00 - 11:00 AM and 1:00 - 3:00 PM; Friday from 9:00 - 11:00 AM.
7th Grade Open House tonight at 5:30 PM. Meeting will be in the old gym, enter through the doors in the commons. If you are not feeling well please do not attend.
High School registration for returning students is Tuesday 2:00-7:00 pm and Wednesday Noon to 6:00 pm. New student registration is Thursday 9:00-11:00 & 1:00-3:00, and Friday 9:00-11:00. Please bring completed registration forms that were mailed to parents several weeks ago.
2019-2020 elementary yearbooks will be available for purchase at Back to School Night. The cost is $10.
Elementary Back to School Night is Tuesday, August 11. Students with last name A-D 4:00 - 5:00, E-L 5:00 - 6:00, M-Z 6:00 - 7:00. Please bring completed registration forms that were mailed to parents last week.
Week two of Summer Recovery begins tomorrow for students registered in the program. For Santa Fe to provide supervision and follow social distancing guidelines, we ask that parents drop of students no earlier than 7:45 am.
FFA Members: If you would like to have projects taken to the MO State Fair, please contact Mrs. Schreiman on her cell phone 660-229-3127.
Booster Club "Stronger Together" shirt orders are ready for pick up at the high school. If you missed out on ordering one of these, we will be placing a second order. Order forms and money should be turned in at the elementary or high school by the end of the day on August 12.
Students enrolled in Summer Academic Recovery reminder it begins Monday, August 3rd, 8:00 - 11:30 AM. Face masks are strongly encouraged, please bring a water bottle. 7-12 please enter through the commons doors ACT Prep & 9/10 your sessions will be from 7-9 PM.
Register now for the SF AgriLeader Golf Classic to be held on August 7 beginning at 8:30 AM at Indian Foothills! Teams are filling up, visit www.santafeagrileaders.org to register. Looking forward to golfing with you on the 7th!
Mark your calendar: JH Volleyball parent meeting will be Sunday, August 16 at 3:00 PM in the new gym. Please enter through the north gym doors by the weight room. JH VB your 1st practice will be Monday, August 17 from 9:30 - 11:30 AM (enter through north gym doors).
Santa Fe Community:
In conjunction with the Santa Fe School District’s Summer Academic Recovery session, being held August 3-14 (Monday-Friday), the district will be serving breakfast through the Department of Education’s ‘Seamless Summer’ breakfast option. This enables the district to provide free meals to those 18 and under during this period of time.
If someone in your household would like to take advantage of this option, please contact us through email: dmalan@santafechiefs.k12.mo.us by Wednesday, July 29th at 3:00.
Santa Fe R-X Superintendent, Mr. Derek Lark has published an update (7/20/20) in regards to COVID-19. This update can be accessed on our website: www.santafechiefs.k12.mo.us
Time Change: Due to a district wide staff meeting on August 11th, registration times have been changed. Registration will take place from 2:00-7:00. Thank you for your understanding.
Gather your team now for the 10th Annual SF AgriLeader Golf Classic! August 7 Indian Foothills. Register your 3 person team at www.santafeagrileaders.org Limited to first 25 teams with paid entry!
FFA members wanting to exhibit vegetables, shop projects, flowers, or field crops at the District and County fair Mrs. Schreiman will be at the ag building from 5-7pm Sunday July 5 for you to drop your items. Additional questions please contact Mrs. Schreiman. Use the link below to view items from each category:
SF Baccalaureate & Graduation: Doors will open at 11:00 am tomorrow for Baccalaureate. Start time is 11:30. Graduation begins at 1:00. Reminder, the only doors open will be the north NEW gym doors by the weight room and the upper gym doors. All other doors will be locked.
UPDATE on the Kansas City Royals Baseball Vouchers: If you purchased vouchers from any Santa Fe Baseball player, these vouchers will be honored through the 2021 season.
Surplus for sale: Sheet Rock Tile 1/2 pallet -- $100